Founded by the talented Vanessa Ford in 2012, When Freddie met Lilly is a renowned bridal studio offering a truly bespoke experience. Inspired by the need for personalized bridal services, Vanessa created this exceptional brand, named after her beloved niece and nephew. Based in Brisbane, the studio has gained international recognition, showcasing its stunning designs at prestigious events such as New York Bridal Fashion Week.
When Freddie met Lilly is celebrated for its commitment to individuality. Every gown is custom-made to precise measurements, ensuring a flawless fit. Brides can personalize existing designs or collaborate on creating a completely bespoke garment, tailored to their unique style and vision.
Located in a tranquil private studio just outside Brisbane, When Freddie met Lilly provides an intimate and welcoming environment for every bride. With a focus on craftsmanship and personalized service, this studio ensures you’ll look and feel extraordinary on your special day.
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