The terms and conditions set out apply to all users of our website including profiled businesses that have been listed through means of registration or profiled by Platformed4Events.
By simply using or registering to this site, you are accepting and agree to the terms and conditions as set out in these terms and conditions.
Please ensure that you carefully read the terms and conditions as this forms the basis of use whether you are a user searching for suppliers or a supplier that has listing displayed on Platform4Evnts.
Your binding compliance, to these terms and conditions are deemed to occur upon your first use of the of our website weather browsing or engaging an independent supplier
If for any reason you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should stop using the website and or request the removal of your listing if you have one profiled.
By proceeding to use the website Platforms4events, as a tool to source quality localised suppliers or choose to list your business with us, you are acknowledging that you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions.
Platform4Events updates this website regularly and to the best of our knowledge, however, we make no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of any information or business listings displayed on the website. All information is provided to the best of our knowledge and final responsibility for assessing will be made by the customers own risk.
We may from time to time add or change content to this website without notice and ask users and listers to review it at their own accord.
Platform4Events is a tool & resource for users to easily find event suppliers within their locality displaying and profiling key features of their business in order to assist users to find what they are looking for.
In relation to all business listings displayed through our website, Platform4Events will not be liable to anyone or any person or organisation for any content errors or information that is not up to date or in any way misrepresented by any aspect of the listing whether intentional or unintentional.
We simply act as a portal to quality suppliers and encourage users to make their own determination and further investigate by direct engagement of the supplier’s website found on the page.
By agreeing to the terms and conditions, you are indemnifying Platform4Events against any loss, claim or misrepresentation that may or may not exist and agree to indemnify Platform4Events as a result.
All legal aspects associated with this site and these conditions, will fall under jurisdiction for the laws of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA.
Once a business listing is claimed and or registered with Platform4Events, it is acknowledged and agreed by the listed business that Platform4Events reserves the right to use the content of the listed business including materials, images, information and the entity name and products within the listing for the purpose of promoting and marketing through social media platforms and any other marketing avenues it sees fit for the purpose to promote and drive customers to the listed business.
It is acknowledged and agreed that the listed business reserves the right to request to have their listing removed from our website by notifying Platform4Events in writing through our contact email to which, if requested, Platform4Events will do so within 2 working days.
Where any claimed business has been pre-paid by a listing, the termination of arrangement will apply as per the below Termination Claus.
The content within our website is bound by copyright and prohibition of use to any party wishing to do so whether the content was listed by a supplier and or submitted by any other entity for the purpose of display and public use.
By uploading or listing of any content on this site, you agree that any material listed will not contain and third, party copyright material unless you have permission from the rightful owner or are otherwise legally entitled, to post the material to showcase the material on this site.
By uploading or listing your business on our website, you are consenting to Platform4Events to have the rights to use the posted material to use as a means to share, to promote by means of social media platforms and to market your business favourably for the purpose to drive users to the listed website.
However, if you believe that materials posted or listed on this site infringes your copyright in anyway, or are in any way dissatisfied with the content of the material whether existing or newly posted, you may request that the material be removed, or access to be blocked.
There is a lot of content on this website and we endeavour to screen and approve what we can.
In the event, any material does impact copyright or comes under any prohibition of use:
You can send your request through or contact page message bank noting the following:
Once your request is received and assessed, we will take the appropriate action and rely to you with the status of your request within 2 working day.
Platform4Evenst is an online Party Planning Event platform putting suppliers and customers together with one simple and easy to find process to help you plan your special event efficiently and quickly. As a portal to preferred listed suppliers we provide no warranty and accuracy on information and content on the supplier’s listed information or website.
Platform4Events is an independent platform and not directly affiliated or responsible of issues that may or may arise between shoppers and listed suppliers.
We also endeavour to ensure that the Platform4Events website is secure and free of errors, viruses and other malware, we give no warranty or guaranty in that regard and all Users take responsibility for their own security, that of their personal details and their computers.
Platform4Events reserves the right to remove or reject any listing or to remove any part of a listing or any material from a listing that it sees as unworthy and detrimental to the benefit of the website (Platform4Events) and is under no obligation to provide reason or justification to any party or listed business and will do so at its sole discretion and without notification.
To the extent permitted by law, Platform4Events, shall not be liable to any listed business, user, or any other person, company or organization for any loss or damage or any misrepresentation of listed content on our website, to include and not limited to any supply of goods and services by a listed business on our website. The user and listed business shall indemnify Platform4Events against any claims or demands made by any person, company or organization against such listed public domain content.
We recommend all users to review the supplier’s website terms and conditions and be satisfied with such conditions before engaging to do business with them.
Platform4Events is committed to providing an exceptional customer experience offering quality suppliers of products and services to make your EVENTS PLANNING journey easier and successful.
We endeavor to make sure that all of the listed supplier’s website and details are provided and correct.
Our team is dedicated to offer more than guiding you to suppliers that will meet your needs, but will also offer inspirations through ideas, planning concepts and showcasing of events that will help you make that special day for you – Subscribe and be amazed
If you have any questions, you only need to ask – We love what we do and look forward to helping you on your fun fare journey.
All of our prices are in Australian dollars (AUD) and include GST (Goods and services tax). Product prices are regularly updated when price changes occur you will receive a notification with options to continue or to opt out and cancel.
Platform4Evemts accepts payments via Credit Cards and Debit Cards.
Upon registering or claiming your listing with us, you will be given and agree to a choice of manner as what payment method you would like to proceed with.
Arranging automated direct debit system does NOT including a binding term and you can at anytime cancel and cease any automatic payment arrangement you have confirmed with us.
This can be as easy as using your dashboard or sending us an email with notification to cease your listing
Security precautions are taken to protect your personal information through encrypted methods of transmitted payments and any personal sensitive information is stored securely or destroyed after the completion of the transaction.
Platform4Events uses the eWAY secure Payment Gateway for its online credit card transactions. eWAY processes online credit card transactions for thousands of Australian merchants, providing a safe and secure means of collecting payments via the internet. All online credit card transactions performed on this site using the eWAY gateway are secured payments.
Payments are fully automated with an immediate response
Your complete credit card number cannot be viewed by Toilet Paper R Us or any outside party.
All transactions are performed under 128 Bit SSL Certificate
All transaction data is encrypted for storage within eWAY’s bank-grade data centre, further protecting your credit card data.
eWAY is an authorised third-party processor for all the major Australian banks
eWAY at no time touches your funds; all monies are directly transferred from your credit card to the merchant account held by Toilet Paper R us
For more information about eWAY and online credit card payments, please visit
Platform4Events does NOT nominate a term period and offers business listing service on a month to months basis for a small nominal fee as specified on the registration of your listing.
What this means it that you can cancel at any-time simply by notifying us via our contact page message section or simply send us your cancellation to:
As we are on a month to month basis, any payments already made for that month will serve as the ending term and we recommend that you note that on any cancellation correspondence that you send to us.
This is because we are confident that our efforts to drive customers to your business will exceed your expectation and offer you exceptional value for money
Upon cancelling we will confirm and acknowledge your request in writing and at the same time arrange to cease and automated direct debit payment arrangements that you may have had made with us. Subsequent payment can be cancelled by you at any time from your account dash board which will also serve as a method of cancellation.
Once cancellation is in effect, we will unfortunately also arrange to remove your listing from the site
Like everything else, we want to make this as easy as possible
The terms and conditions set out contain the whole agreement between the parties relating to its subject matter noted in these terms and conditions.
They have been published in plain English and in all fairness with the aim to protect and disclose all aspects of rights and privacy of users, listings and ourselves.
Should you have any questions or queries regarding any part of all of the above you are welcomed to contact us on 1300 062672 or